Science on Sphere (SOS) is a special system developed and patented by American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
NOAA uses sensors on oceans and atmosphere to process and transmit data to SOS centers about earthquakes, tsunami , climate change, precipitation, oceans and atmospheric movements.These data can be viewed real time in 3D from SOS centers.
SOS is an advanced education technology which can be used to learn and trck our world. There are 100 SOS systems in the world used by sciece centers, earthquake institutions and meteorology centers.
Yesantek Research is the sole distributor of SOS in Turkey. 2 SOS systems have been installed in Turkey by Yesantek Research (MTA Mineral Research & Exploration General Directorate and Taurus Shopping center)
Please contact us to have an SOS system in your institution and join the most prestigous science group in the world.
SOS flat screen (SOS Explorer) may be used in free mode in your school
You may contact us to purchase full version of SOS Explorer
Click here to watch SOS Explorer video.
Click here to download free version of SOS Explorer.